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Mindfulness Resources for Those Living with PTSD

There are millions of people who live with anxiety, depression, stress and trauma. In many cases, the person is later diagnosed with some form of PTSD. Unfortunately, some people will abuse drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with their trauma. This is unhealthy and dangerous.If you are dealing with trauma it is important that you deal with PTSD in healthier ways such as with mindfulness resources. Studies show that mindfulness activities can help to overcome feelings and thoughts related to PTSD.

Causes of Trauma

Before you start learning more about the mindfulness resources, it may be helpful to learn about some common causes of trauma. It might be helpful to know these causes in case someone else in your life is dealing with PTSD and you want to know what could have happened to them. Some of the primary causes of trauma include:

  • A natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricance
  • Personal ife event such as a loved one passing away 
  • Being in a car accident – whether the person was the driver or a passenger 
  • Going to war or knowing someone who went to war (hearing their stories)
  • Toxic or abusive relationships
  • Divorce or serious breakup
  • Toxic work environment (generally the PTSD occurs over time)
  • Working as a police officer, firefighter, EMT, etc.

Luckily, the team we have here at Midwood Addiction Treatment Center can help you to overcome PTSD. We know that everyone has their own experiences and trauma affects each person in its own way. 

No matter what you are feeling or thinking regarding the trauma you have been through, let our team help you to work through it. We have evidence-based treatments, such as mindfulness resources, that can truly help you to regain control of your lifestyle, relationships, self-esteem and other parts of your life.

How Trauma Effects People

mindfulness resources

As noted above, trauma can affect people differently. For example, two people may have been in the same accident, but one may not think much about it after they heal and the other may be traumatized by what happened. There may also be strangers who were victims of similar crimes who are affected so differently by the trauma. 

With this being said, some of the various effects that PTSD can have on a person’s life include:

  • Experiencing severe feelings of helplessness, horror, or fear
  • Replaying the traumatic event over and over in their mind 
  • Mild to severe anxiety 
  • Becoming aggressive or violent 
  • Withdrawing from or avoiding certain people, places, or things
  • Experiencing desensitization to situations, people, places, or things
  • Depression
  • Becoming distrustful or cynical
  • Profound sadness or grief
  • Questioning accomplishments, self-worth, and overall life choices
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Trouble sleeping or relaxing

If you are personally affected by trauma, our Midwood Addiction Treatment Center team has the mindfulness resources and other treatments that can help you to overcome it. Reach out to us today to find out more about these resources, treatments and services.

Best Mindfulness Resources for Those Living with PTSD

Do you or a loved one struggle with PTSD? If so, now is the time to change that. While you might not forget completely about the traumatic event, you can learn how to deal with and cope with it a much healthier, effective way. 

Here at Midwood Addiction Treatment Center, we have numerous mindfulness resources that have helped our clients overcome PTSD. We believe some or all of these might help you, as well.

Physical Grounding 

Physical grounding involves learning how to be more in touch with nature or with where you are at that present time. You can do physical grounding techniques outside without your shoes and socks on or inside on a chair, couch or bed. The purpose of these exercises is to realize that you are secure and safe in your current surroundings. This can help to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, sadness and other negative thoughts and feelings.

Breathing Exercises 

You can find thousands of breathing exercises online. Here at Midwood Addiction Treatment Center, we have our clients practice some breathing techniques, too. You can start with the most basic breathing exercises such as:

  • Just breathing in and out deeply and slowly
  • Breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 3 seconds (do this continuously until you start to feel better)

Studies show that breathing techniques are one of the best mindfulness resources out there. 

Touch Your Stomach or Heart

This one may be new to you, however, we have found that it works. Many people, especially those who are dealing with PTSD, suffer from depression and anxiety. They may forget they are a unique human being that has so much to offer this world. By placing your hand on your stomach or heart, you are – #1 showing love to yourself and #2 realizing that you are still breathing and are human. You deserve life. 

Talk to Yourselves or Others 

You can learn how to take care of yourself, even when you struggle with PTSD. Using supportive, kind and comforting words when you have a conversation with yourself can be truly special. It can make you feel relief, happiness, joy and other positive feelings. 

You can also talk to others in your support network such as your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and anyone else you trust. Hopefully, when you have conversations with these people, they will also talk kindly to you. 

Going Somewhere Relaxing

If it is possible at the time when you are feeling depressed, anxious or on-edge due to your PTSD, you may want to go somewhere relaxing. This is one of the mindfulness resources that works best when someone needs to physically get themselves out of a situation which happens often with PTSD triggers.

You can go out in nature, take a hike, sit by a lake, sit on your front porch, go to a friend’s house, take a nap under a weighted blanket or visit a place of worship. Wherever you find relaxing, that is the place to be, so you can feel more secure. 

These are some of the best mindfulness resources that we can teach you how to implement into your recovering lifestyle. No matter the severity of your PTSD, with taking advantage of these mindfulness resources and attending a treatment program here at Midwood, you can start overcoming triggers, negative thoughts, depression, anxiety and other effects of PTSD.
Contact us today, here at Midwood, to start accessing these mindfulness resources and all the other mental health and addiction services we have to offer you and our other clients, as well.